Scientific Meeting & AGM
BPS London Offices, 30 Tabernacle
Street, London EC2A 4UE
Saturday 8th
December 2012 at 10.30am
10.30am – 11.00am
11.00am – 11.30am
Cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking in a
representative sample of English school pupils: cross-sectional and
longitudinal associations
Gareth Hagger-Johnson
University College London
11.30am – 11.45am
Morning Break
11.45am – 12.15am
badly online: establishing norms of unacceptable behaviours
Emma Short, Mick Baldwin, Tyne Stanley
& Graham Scott
University of Bedfordshire
12.15pm – 1.45pm
Maybe at: The Windmill Pub, 27 Tabernacle Street, or Pizza by the Yard,
140 Tabernacle Street
1.45pm – 2.15pm
Is pedagogic convenience responsible for
inappropriate & low power data analysis in psychology?
Andrew Rutherford
Keele University
2.15pm – 2.45pm
Order restricted inference in R
Danny Kaye and Thom Baguley
Nottingham Trent University
Afternoon Break
Monday, 3 December 2012
2012 Annual Scientific Meeting and AGM (BPS London offices)
Monday, 5 November 2012
Annual Scientific Meeting and AGM 8 December 2012
Annual Scientific Meeting and AGM 8 December 2012
BPS Offices
30 Tabernacle Street
Attendance free
Call for papers
The closing date for submissions is Wednesday 28th November 2012
Presentations on both theoretical and substantive applications are welcome in the area of Mathematics, Statistics or Computing in Psychology. We welcome submissions from postgraduate students.
Abstracts should be submitted (no more than 150 words) with your name, institution and contact details to:
Dr A Rutherford
a.rutherford _at_
BPS Offices
30 Tabernacle Street
Attendance free
Call for papers
The closing date for submissions is Wednesday 28th November 2012
Presentations on both theoretical and substantive applications are welcome in the area of Mathematics, Statistics or Computing in Psychology. We welcome submissions from postgraduate students.
Abstracts should be submitted (no more than 150 words) with your name, institution and contact details to:
Dr A Rutherford
a.rutherford _at_
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
ASSESS: SPSS/R Training Day
ASSESS: SPSS/R training
Friday 2nd November 2012
Alcuin Research Resource Centre
University of York, York
Beginning with R: comparing groups (half-day) parallel workshop
An introduction to statistical modeling in R (half-day) parallel workshop
Friday 2nd November 2012
10 am to 12-45 pm
Chi-square tests and logistic regressions in SPSS (half-day) parallel workshop
Survival analysis with healthcare applications using SPSS (half-day) parallel workshop
Friday 2nd November 2012
1-50pm to 4-30pm
Tutorial session: Health applications in SPSS
Friday 2nd November 2012
10am to 12-35pm
Tutorial session: First steps in data analysis using R
Friday 2nd November 2012
1-50pm to 4-10pm
ASSESS is an independent user led group for SPSS and R, computer packages for analysing and presenting data. Recent ASSESS workshop topics include SPSS/R syntax, SPSS macros, Logistic regression and Hospital Episode Statistics.
Two sets of two half-day parallel workshops and two tutorial sessions are provisionally planned to be held at the Alcuin Research Resource Centre, University of York, on Friday 2nd November 2012. The R workshops and a tutorial session on ‘Health Applications in SPSS’ will run in parallel from 10am to (approx) 12-45pm and two SPSS workshops and tutorials on ‘First steps in data analysis using R’, from 1-50pm to (approx) 4-30pm. Each delegate may, therefore, attend a morning workshop or tutorial session and/or an afternoon workshop or tutorial session.
Workshop topics and other details including booking forms are at
The workshops and tutorials will be taught in an interactive hands-on workshop-style format, with frequent examples. A full set of notes and example files will be given to all workshop attenders. There will also be handouts at the tutorial sessions.
Simon White of the MRC Biostatistics Unit in Cambridge, who will lead the ‘Beginning with R:Comparing Groups’ workshop, looks at applications of statistics to public health issues and teaches R to non-statisticians.
Thom Baguley of Nottingham Trent University will lead ‘An Introduction to Statistical Modeling in R’. Thom has twenty years of teaching and research experience and is the author of ‘Serious Statistics’.
Angie Wade is a senior lecturer in biostatistics at University College London and will lead the ‘Chi-squares and logistic regressions in SPSS’ workshop.
David Culliford, who will lead the ‘Survival Analysis with Healthcare Applications using SPSS’ workshop, teaches on statistical issues surrounding research design and researches osteoarthritis at the University of Southampton.
The ‘Beginning with R:Comparing Groups’ workshop assumes no previous experience using R and will introduce basic concepts and structures used in R together with simple plotting and group comparison procedures. ‘An Introduction to Statistical Modeling in R' is a workshop building on a basic knowledge of R showing how to perform a range of statistical analyses in R including AN(C)OVA, regression, meta-analysis and bootstrapping. The SPSS workshops assume a working knowledge of SPSS and an awareness of basic statistical concepts. The ‘Chi-square tests and logistic regressions in SPSS’ workshop will introduce analyses of categoric data. The ‘Survival analysis with Healthcare Applications using SPSS’ workshop introduces commonly used elementary techniques analysing time-to-event data.
The booking fee includes a coffee break mid-workshop but not overnight accommodation. A buffet lunch is available and is included for those attending both a morning AND an afternoon event. Further details will be sent to delegates upon receipt of booking forms.
Come along to:
* obtain training in using SPSS and R from experienced tutors who are fellow users
* learn about statistical methods used for data analysis in R and SPSS
* exchange ideas with other SPSS users
* plan for an even better user group and suggest events for 2013
The venue for both the workshops and users' meeting is the Alcuin Research Resource
Centre (ARRC) on York University campus located in Heslington, 2 miles to the south-east
of the city centre. It takes 10-15 minutes in a taxi from the railway station.
The Number 4 bus runs regularly to the University from York railway station (see Parking at the University is very difficult.
Location details are at Accommodation is
bookable via tourist information on (01904) 621756 or (01904) 554455.
Tutorials: Health Applications in SPSS (10am to 12-45pm)
* Practical tips in using SPSS syntax with Health Applications by Vikki O’Neill, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge
* Comparing linked maternity data sets to check data quality in SPSS by Preeti Datta-Nemdharry, City University, London
* Analysing 3-D Spatial ECGs in SPSS by Gilbert MacKenzie, University of Limerick
* Driving evidence-based decision-making in Healthcare with predictive analytics. A webinar specially recorded by a representative of SPSS
Tutorials: First steps in data analysis using R (1-50pm to 4-10pm)
* Getting your data into R by Simon White, University of Cambridge
* Graphics with R by Simon White, University of Cambridge
* Correlation and Regression in R by Gilbert MacKenzie, University of Limerick
* Repeated measures in 'R' using multi-level models by Tom Dunn, Nottingham Trent University
*Planning for 2013 events
Registration and coffee begins at 9-30am for the ‘Health applications in SPSS’ tutorials’. Registration begins at 1-30pm for the ‘First steps in data analysis using R’ tutorials. Morning coffee and afternoon tea are included in the registration fee. Lunch is included if attending BOTH a morning and afternoon event otherwise is available on request. A timetable will be e-mailed to delegates in advance.
Friday, 13 April 2012
Workshop on Testing Theories of Choice Behavior
Workshop on Testing Theories of Choice Behavior
18-20 July 2012, Berlin
The goal of this workshop is to bring together scholars interested in intertemporal choice, risky choice, game theory, and methods for theory testing in the decision sciences. Junior scientists are especially encouraged to attend and can register for free.
Invited Speakers include Daniel Cavagnaro, Andreas Gloeckner, John Hey, Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, Jonathan Leland, Graham Loomes, Daniel Read, Joerg Rieskamp, Ariel Rubinstein, and E.J. Wagenmakers.
Please register before 30 June 2012 at and indicate whether you would like to present a poster.
This workshop is funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, with additional support from the U.S. National Science Foundation and the Max Planck Society. The meeting will be hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin.
Michel Regenwetter, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (
Jeffrey R. Stevens, University of Nebraska and Max Planck Institute for Human Development (
Monday, 19 March 2012
EMPG 2012: European Mathematical Psychology Group, University of Navarra
The next meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group (EMPG 2012) will be held at University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain) from August 29 to August 31, 2012.
The Web site of the conference will be available on March 25, 2012 at
The Web site of the conference will be available on March 25, 2012 at
Important dates
- Abstract submission opens: March 25, 2012
- Abstract submission closes: June 3, 2012
- Notification of acceptance: June 17, 2012
- Early registration deadline: July 15, 2012
- Start of conference: August 29, 2012
- End of conference: August 31, 2012
Friday, 2 March 2012
Theres an app for that ...
The Wiley-Blackwell Psychology Spotlight app has just been launched. The Psychology Spotlight is available for download from the iTunes store, at no charge. The app features all 11 BPS journals (including the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology), and provides a new way to promote your research to psychologists, raising your journal’s profile and encouraging article usage.

Be one of the first to enjoy this essential tool, with the following community features at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime:
- Latest information on key psychology conferences and latest conference tweets;
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