Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Section announces first psychology research methods hackathon

1st Psychology Open research methods Hackathon

Friday 21 June, 2013, at the BPS London Offices (30 Tabernacle St – EC2A 4EU)

You need to bring a laptop

One day workshop for psychologists at all levels (postgrads to professors) to get together and create an open source psychology research methods textbook.

The workshop will introduce the following free software tools: Latex, R and Python

Assistance available for installation & operation. This software will be used to create an resources for teaching psychology (quantitative) research methods – from simple statistics to programming experiments. This is intended to first of several hackathons, so, over time, a body of free professionally produced, peer-created (quantitative) research methods teaching resources will be available for psychologists.

Hackathon Co-ordinator: Sol Nte (University of Manchester)

To attend workshop, you must be a member of the BPS, Maths, Stats & Computing Section. If you are not a member already, then you can join at the workshop – NB. you need to be a BPS member already to join the Maths, Stats & Computing Section.

To reserve a place, contact BPS, MSC Section Hon Sec., Dr G Markopoulos, g.markopoulos@bathspa.ac.uk, with Hackathon Booking in the subject line.

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